[WEPO] Contents to apply THE BRIDGE Funding.
Title : Let us help Youth in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to go to University
The revolution of E-commerce for the youth in DRC
The ideal digital infra-structure that the youth in DRC have been dreamed
Please help the youth in DRC to realize their dream
WEPO will give the youth in DRC a chance by realizing reliable used product platform
People might know that The Democratic Republic of Congo is the nation that has more than 70% of cobalt, which is a key material in electronic devices. However, although the nation has a lot of resources with massive demands, people living in DRC have not been take any benefit they deserved from that.
Although people try their best to live day by day, Only restrict portion of youth in DRC are allowed to go to school and study because of their poor economic condition. most of them have to go to work place where pay them with too low wage. This is real situation of DRC now.
On the other hand, although daily life of youth in DRC are harsh, we could find that the internet connectivity of DRC has been increased steadily (average 8% per year), and 80% of internet connections are stemmed from mobile, meaning the mobile user and market is growing rapidly.
Even though the mobile internet environment in DRC are expanding, there are still a lot of people who is in difficulty to buy new smartphone. This is why more and more people get into used smart phone market. ( The number of pepole who sign in communities for used product trading is about 1.5million this year, recording more than 200% growth rate per year )
Unfortunately, the situation in used product market in DRC is not that great to youth who want to smartphone in cheap price without problems because of scams and lack of informations about the product.
Mag, WEPO's co-founder, wanted to solve those problems by making reliable platform service called "WEPO". He is global exchanged student who studied in Korea where one of most advanced in used product trading and delivery system. With the experience of used product market and delivery system in Korea, he started to think this can be a solution to solve problem in used product market in DRC and problem that the youth in DRC is in difficulty to get their the cost of living
WEPO buy high quality used smartphone from Korea and check every thing to asure user satisfied with products.
Then product will be sent to DRC and youth who work with WEPO find people who want buy used-smartphone.
After the product sold, WEPO give the commision to youth who done their job
The more and more people drop by WEPO to ask the used phone in good quality, and WEPO had a chance to trade with whole-saler recently. We expect that totall amount of monetization from used-product transactions in Kinsasha will be 450 million dollor per year at least.
That is the number of transation from there will be around 1.5miliion per year, generating more than 150 thousand jobs and the worth of 3million dollor allocated to people who do delivery.
After WEPO expand its catery from smartphone to other product such as car, clothe and other electronic device, the impact for work-force market will be expected to increase more than fivefold.
---- social problem
콩고민주공화국 청년들의 커머스 혁명
콩고민주공화국 청년들이 꿈꾸는 디지털 인프라
콩고민주공화국 청년들이 꿈꾸게 해주세요.
중고 휴대폰 거래로 콩고민주공화국을 바꿔봐요!
전기차 핵심 원료인 코발트의 전세계 생산량 70% 이상 차지하는 나라 콩고민주공화국 그러나
하루 2달러 이하로 생활하는 절대 빈곤층의 인구비율 70% 이상이라는 사실 알고 계시나요?
그래서 수많은 사람들이 하루하루 생존을 위해 살고 있습니다. 이는 젊은 청년들도 마찬가지 인데요. 그래서 꿈을 키우고 이루기 위한 교육기관에 진학하기 위한 교육비 마련이 현실적으로 어려운 상황입니다. 낮은 소득으로 교육을 받기 어렵고 생존을 위해 저임금 노동현장으로 갑니다. 악순환이 계속 되는 것이지요.
동시에 아프리카 중앙에 위치한 콩고민주공화국은 매년 연평균 8%씩 인터넷 보급률이 성장하고 있습니다. 이중 80%이상의 스마트폰에서 발생하고 있을 만큼, PC환경을 뛰어넘어 모바일 환경이 급속도로 확산되고 있습니다.
하지만, 낮은 소득으로 인해 높은 가격의 스마트폰을 구하는 건 어려운 일입니다. 그래서 중고 휴대폰 매매가 매우 활성화되어 있는데요. (최근 2년간 킨사샤에서 중고거래 휴대폰 Facebook 머큐니티 가입자는 50만명에서 150만명 으로 3배 가까이 증가) 문제는 매우 품질이 낮은 중고휴대폰들이 유통된다는 점입니다. 가품 부품으로 교체되서 고장이 나거나, 사진과 달리 품질이 불량인 제품을 수령받습니다. 기껏 휴대폰을 구입했는데 다시 구매해야하는 상황이 발생하고 있습니다.
---- motivation
콩고민주공화국의 청년인 MAG은 낮은 소득으로 꿈의 문턱에서 좌절하는 청년들과 질낮은 휴대폰으로 불편을 겪는 콩고사람들의 문제를 해결하고 싶었습니다. 글로벌 장학 재단 덕분에 한국의 대학으로 유학을 온 Mag은 한국의 매우 활성화된 중고거래 문화와 콩고 민주공화국 보다 더 저렴한 가격으로 유통되고 있는 양질의 중고휴대폰들을 접하면서 한국에서 사귄 친구들과 함께 솔루션을 고민했습니다.
WEPO가 탄생한 것입니다. 교육비 마련을 위해 소득이 절실한 청년들과 양질의 휴대폰 보급이라는 두가지 목적을 실현하기 위해 한국의 중고 휴대폰을 콩고 청년들이 판매하여 이를 통해 청년들은 추가수익을 얻고, 콩고 사람들은 최소 품질이 보장된 중고 휴대폰을 구할 수 있습니다.
---- instructions of BM abd activities
WEPO의 중고 휴대폰 거래에서 중요한 역할을 하는 사람들은 콩고민주공화국의 희망 가득찬 젊은 청년들입니다. WEPO 중고휴대폰이 콩고에 무사히 도착하면, 청년들이 판매를 진행합니다. 이를 위해 WEPO는 정기적으로 웨비나를 통해 청년들에게 셀프브랜딩 등의 교육을 진행하고 있습니다.
---- future plan
WEPO가 판매하는 중고 휴대폰을 원하는 고객들이 늘어나고 있습니다. 최근에는 개인 뿐만 아니라 도매업자도 문의하고 있습니다. 그래서 WEPO는 더 많은 제품을 구비하고 스케일 업을 하고자 합니다.
WEPO는 앞으로 콩고 사람들이 손쉽게 중고 전자제품을 구매할 수 있고 청년들이 판매활동을 손쉽게 할 수 있는 앱플랫폼을 만들 계획입니다. 1000만명 이상의 인구를 두고 있는 콩고민주공화국의 수도 킨샤사 부터 서비스를 시작하고자 합니다.
궁극적으로 콩고민주공화국에서 발생하는 중고거래 플랫폼으로 성장하는 것이 WEPO의 목표입니다.
---- back data
“누군가의 인터뷰" OOO WEPO Commissoner 사진필요
WEPO 덕분에 추가소득을 얻고 있어요. 사람들과 교류하면서 배우는건 덤이구요. 저는 이를 통해 내년에는 대학교 진학을 위해 학비를 마련할 수 있을 것 같아요. (등등)
“누군가의 인터뷰" OOO 콩고 킨샤샤 거주 사진필요
WEPO에서 휴대폰을 구매했는데 아주 만족해요 배터리도 불량이 없구요. 그리고 친절하고 가격이 합리적이에요. 내 주변에서 휴대폰을 구하는 사람이 있다면 WEPO를 추천하고 싶어요.
Title : WEPO, "For the world where people to be paid for their reliability"
[Problem of DRC]
You might know that The Democratic Republic of Congo is the nation that has more than 70% of cobalt, which is a key material in electronic devices. However, although the nation has a lot of resources with massive demands, people living in DRC have not been take any benefit they deserved from that.
Most of people in DRC are called people who is the most poorest people in the world. More than 77% of people in DRC have lived with the wage less than 2 US dollor per day.
How this can be happen?
Simplely, because someone among the value chain of natural resources market in DRC have taken all profits.
People need a job not just paying them but paying them properly. And WEPO can do this.
[What WEPO is doing and has done]
WEPO is used-smartphone whole saler, running used-product platform in DRC.
WEPO buy high quality used smartphone from Korea and check every thing to asure user satisfied with products.
Then product will be sent to DRC and youth who work with WEPO find people who want buy used-smartphone.
After the product sold, WEPO give the commision to youth who done their job
Used market in DRC have grown rapidly last few years. The number of pepole who sign in communities for used product trading is about 1.5million this year, recording more than 200% growth rate per year
However, there are many people who suffed from scam and spending thier time to figure out proper price for each peoduct they need.
WEPO provide the services below to help and support people who want safe transaction in used market
- Open all information about the product to people such as price, battery state and any malfunctioning
- Safe transaction system, which is buyer can deserve thier money until they check the product's condition and decide to buy the product
WEPO is working with more than twenty of youth who are looking for extra income to pay for their studying, and traded more than $30,000 worth of used product last 6 month as a testing
Also, WEPO collaborate with the companies such as ARAKAPAY, MAXICASH and TINDA to make user have great experience with WEPO platform.
[The future of WEPO]
WEPO will become a symbol of 'trust'.
People can buy the product without worry about being scamed by using WEPO's services.
We expect that totall amount of monetization from used-product transactions in Kinsasha will be 450 million dollor per year at least
That is the number of transation from there will be around 1.5miliion per year, generating more than 150 thousand jobs and the worth of 3million dollor allocated to people who do delivery.
After WEPO expand its catery from smartphone to other product such as car, clothe and other electronic device, the impact for work-force market will be expected to increase more than fivefold.
[we need interview with youth who earn money or expect to earn money by working with WEPO]
WEPO, "For the world where people to be paid for thier reliability"